Have your say on policeBy Enfield IndependentENFIELD police are encouraging residents to help shape the future of policing in the borough. The Met Police are welcoming ideas on how the service can be improved from anyone who lives, works, studies or has an interest in London. Individuals as well as groups and organisations are invited to give their views as part of the consultation process for the 2003/4 policing plan. A consultation form is available on the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) web page, where people can choose five policing objectives which they believe the force should focus on. The form will be available until August 31 on www.met.police.uk and on the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) website at www.mpa.gov.uk. Those people who respond online will be entered into a draw to win a visit to New Scotland Yard, where they will meet Sir John Stevens, Commissioner of the MPS, and Lord Toby Harris, Chairman of the MPA, to discuss the policing of London. Feedback on the results of the consultation will be supplied to anyone who leaves an e-mail address. People who do not have access to the Internet should contact Ponders End police station on 8345 1346 for a questionnaire. 15:22 Wednesday 31st July 2002
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