Non-driver gets fineBy Walthamstow GuardianNON-DRIVER Tony Jones, pleaded guilty by default when he appeared at Waltham Forest Magistrates Court. Jones, from Barking, was charged with driving at 69mph along the A406 North Circular, opposite Trinity Way, Walthamstow, in November 2000. The road has a 50pmh limit. Jones, 24, who was convicted in his absence last October, was un-represented when he appeared at Waltham Forest Magistrates Court on Thursday. Jones told the court in mitigation that, although the car was registered in his name, he didn't drive and hadn't been driving at the time of the offence. The court heard Jones had sold the car some time before, and had no idea who the new owner was. Jones, who said he had bought the car for his girlfriend, said: "I haven't got a licence. I am not trying to say that I am not guilty, the car was still in my name after I sold it." Jones was fined £60 and ordered to pay £30 costs. His licence, should he ever get one, will have four penalty points. 10:28 Thursday 1st August 2002
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