Man, 65, target of drive-by shooting
By Leyton and Leytonstone GuardianA PENSIONER is living in fear after a gunman drove by his car and peppered it with bullets. The 65-year-old man was in his red Volkswagon Passat in Colchester Road, Leyton, when he was fired upon with a rifle at about 5.30am on August 27 Police said there was no reason why the man would be targeted and said it may be a case of mistaken identity. A police spokesman said: "The gunman or men discharged a nine millimetre weapon and fired it through the driver's parked car. A bullet was embedded in the door on the passenger side. It may have been criminals with guns displaying what they could do or a case of mistaken identity. These people could have been warning somebody who has the same car." Anyone with information about the shooting can ring Leyton police on 8529 8666. Another pensioner who turned up for work at a launderette was attacked and robbed by two women and their man friend after refusing to hand over a cigarette. The 77-year-old man was opening the shop in High Road, Leyton, at 7am on the same day when he was set upon by the trio. They tore his shirt as they searched his pockets for cash and stole £20 and personal documents. The vicitm was "distressed and upset" by the incident, a police spokesman said. One of the women was described as black and about 20, the second woman was called "Maria" and she was white and about 27. The man was about 21 and black. Anyone with information can ring Leyton police on 8529 8666. 15:27 Thursday 5th September 2002
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