Expert warns of gangs stealing dogsBy Epping GuardianDOG owners are warned to be on their guard against gangs of thieves who steal dogs to claim a reward A local woman, who writes for a well-known dog publication, said pedigree working dogs are particularly at risk. The woman, who did not want to be identified for fear of alerting the gangs to her own dogs, said: "We've been aware of increasing numbers of dogs being stolen. I'm trying to get people to be aware of what's going on." The woman told of one recent case in Epping Green where a farmer had his dog stolen, and several other thefts including one at a boarding kennels in the Harlow area. "They steal the dog and wait for the owners to put up a reward. Then they phone up and arrange to return the dog, meet in a car park and money changes hands." Owners are advised to take precautions to avoid being targeted, such as removing car stickers or posters on windows which indicate you have a dog. 11:57 Thursday 24th October 2002
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