Anger after vandalism spreeBy Epping GuardianA VICIOUS campaign of vandalism and abuse carried out by youths at the Queens Hall Community Centre in North Weald has left councillors fuming. The yobs have smashed lights, started a fire, destroyed and dumped an electric scooter in the grounds and pulled a dis-abled rail off a wall. The cost of the damage is expected to run into hundreds of pounds, money the Bassett Memorial Charity which owns and runs the hall says it cannot afford. The recent spate of problems began about mid-November and has escalated with youths even trying to break in on occasions. Members of the numerous clubs using the hall have reported intimidating groups of youths banging on the doors and the police have been called several times. The nearby play area, which is also owned by the charity, has also been the victim of vandalism and graffiti. Parish councillor Anne Garwood, who is chairman of the Bassett Memorial Charity's trustees, described the increasing problems as "frightening". She said: "It's horrendous. The vandalism problem is of great concern to the trustees and the parish council, which is based in the hall. The cost of repairs is likely to swallow up any funds that could have been used for improvements and new facilities." The Bassett Memorial Charity works closely with the parish council and receives grants for its work, but these are also having to be spent on repairs. Parish council clerk Derek Farr said: "We've always lived with a degree of vandalism but in the last few weeks it has become of real concern to us. "If it was a one-off incident we would get on with it but it almost feels like a campaign of damage." Parish council vice-chairman Cyril Hawkins said: "It's a shame that future projects may have to be shelved because of the costs of damage created by a small minority." The memorial charity and parish council are now looking to hold discussions with neighbouring residents and schools who are affected as well as police and youth groups to try to solve the problems. Anyone with ideas on how the problem can be tackled should ring the parish council or the memorial charity on 01992 523825. 17:23 Monday 27th January 2003
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