Airport group's building society linkCAMPAIGN group Stop Stansted Expansion has teamed up with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) to help save dozens of historic buildings from being bulldozed as part of proposals for extra runways at Stansted. The society decided to join forces with SSE because of the threat posed to local historic buildings, sites, settlements and landscapes by the Government's proposals. Plans for three additional runways would mean the destruction of 326 homes, 64 Grade II listed buildings and two scheduled ancient monuments. Acres of ancient woodland, lanes and hedgerows will also disappear under a sea of concrete. Society secretary Philip Venning said: "Even under the options of one or two extra runways the cost to heritage is extreme. It should certainly not be portrayed as an acceptable compromise that balances heritage concerns with the needs of airlines. "We're therefore hoping every one of our members will write to the Secretary of State for Transport to express their concerns about airport expansion and also urge local people concerned about protecting the heritage to take action now." Campaign group chairman Norman Mead said: "The value of heritage and the role it plays in enriching us all is often disregarded by governments in their drive to satisfy business interests. "The region would be a poorer place and significantly less attractive to both local people and tourists if we were to allow these treasures to disappear or be degraded by the imposition of the world's largest airport at Stansted." 14:32 Monday 28th April 2003