"Batty boy" groom's bottle attackBy Haringey IndependentA MAN smashed a bottle over a groom's head on his wedding day. The man had been married at the Civic Centre in Wood Green and both he and his wife were wearing distinctive gothic-style clothes. Shortly after the ceremony, they were walking along Muswell Hill Broadway when a man ran up behind him, called him a "batty boy" (slang for homosexual) and hit him with a bottle. He needed to be taken to the Whittington Hospital, where the wound was stitched but he was released in time for his wedding reception. The attacker, who is thought by police to have local connections, is described as a black African-Caribbean man with a narrow face, aged about 25 and wearing a light-coloured fleece with the hood up. He ran off after the assault on to a bus towards Princes Avenue. If you have any information, call DC Maria Grey on 8345 0965. 10:38 Thursday 30th May 2002
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