Headteacher rememberedBy Enfield IndependentTHE headteacher who guided a school through World War II when night-time bombers scored a direct hit on it has finally been honoured. Miss Mary Constance Sharp (known to generations of pupils as MC) led Enfield County School from 1937 to 1962 and this month a brass plaque was put up in her honour over a building renamed the MC Sharp Building. During the war Enfield County had to accommodate hundreds of pupils from nearby schools which were closed as part of precautions against air raids. She then had to deal with the aftermath of a German bomb that flattened the gymnasium. After the war MC oversaw a rebuilding programme to cater for the baby boom and the building was finished in 1955 and named the New Building to differentiate it from classroom blocks which dated from 1908. It is this structure which will now be known as the MC Sharp Building. More than 150 former pupils and teachers gathered in the Upper School, Holly Walk, to watch the current head, Irene Bayard, unveil a plaque to commemmorate her predecessor, whom she desribed as: "A very distinguished and much loved teacher who was prominent across the whole field of education, serving on many official bodies including the Burnham Committee and Middlesex education commitee." Celebrating the renaming of the building, the former students' association. ECSOGA, is trying to raise £2,000 for multi-media teaching equipment for the school. Former pupils who wish to donate or buy a booklet of reminiscences about Miss Sharp should contact Harriet Nailon, 56 Palmerston Road, SW19 1PQ. The booklet costs £3 and cheques should be made out to ECSOGA. 14:20 Thursday 26th September 2002
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