The Watford Observer, in conjunction with JobcentrePlus and Watford Borough Council, is happy to offer you the opportunity to attend our prestigious and successful recruitment and training exhibition, Job.
This will be the fifth year the event has been held at the Town Hall in the centre of Watford, promising companies an excellent platform to market themselves and their vacancies
Job will be publicised weekly in both The Watford Free and the paid-for Watford Observer in the months prior to the event.
Your company has the chance, at no extra cost, to include its logo in all promotional advertisements, ensuring maximum exposure.
We hope you are in a position to take advantage of this excellent opportunity and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Watford Observer
The Watford Free
Combined Readership - 143,099
Leaflet drops
Radio ads
Package Includes:
1/2-page advert in supplement
Online promotion
6ft stand
Backdrop, if required
6ft table and two chairs
Lunch for 2 people
Security & insurance cover
Screen showing your messages
Your info in visitors' goody bags
Town Hall, Watford
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Booking Deadline
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
01923 216224.
A high profile venue and a highly respected newspaper combine to create a highly effective exhibition, which is opened by the mayor.