In our experience, a sucessful job fair is all about giving both the exhibitor and the visitor what they need.
For the exhibitor, we provide a well organised event that attracts vsitors.
For the visitor, we make sure there is a good mix of exhibitors from all areas of business and training and further education.
Here's what some previous exhibitors have said:
Army Careers: "Good numbers, well organised and motivated staff. Lots of youngsters."
Jobserve: "Extremely good. The quality and quantity of candidates was very good."
Software Logistics: "The exhibition has been successful for us by raising the company profile as a local employer. The event was well publicised well and there was a queue to get in."
We all want to expand our businesses and by attending the BFP Job exhibition you can.
Bucks Free Press
South Bucks Star
Combined Readership - 72,666
Package Includes:
1/4-page advertisement
Your logo in promotional ads
At least 4 months' promotion
Shell-style stand [2.5m x 1m]
Table and chairs
Lunch for exhibitors
Screen showing your messages
Your info in visitors' goody bags
Use of photocopier.
High Wycombe Town Hall
Monday, July 17, 2006
Booking Deadline
Friday, June 26, 2006
01494 755001.
Your host the Bucks Free Press, which has been serving Buckinghamshire since 1863.