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24/7/2002 |
Chris fears a part in Emmer-doleHE plays one of soap opera's great pantomime baddies, a man as capable of raising a smile as he is of making the TV audience hiss and boo. But despite celebrating 16 years of love him/ hate him success in Emmerdale, Chris Chittell says he is still plagued by troughs of uncertainty when he doubts his abilities as an actor. "These periods have been with me for many years and probably always will be with me," admits Chris, who plays the fiendish Eric Pollard. "I have a close friend who is a faith healer and he keeps me on the straight and narrow. Without him, I'd be a gibbering wreck." Chris reckons long spells of unemployment before joining Emmerdale are possibly to blame for his periods of gloom. "Even a lengthy stint in Emmerdale hasn't completely cured me," he said. 16:35 Wednesday 22nd May 2002