Website helps young people choose jobsA new website aimed at helping young people to choose a career or to change jobs has been launched by Learning and Skills Council (LSC) Hertfordshire. The Job Trends website - - will provide answers to questions about jobs, by giving access to useful data about likely work trends in the county over the next few years. Mr Roy Bain, Executive Director at LSC Hertfordshire, said: "This brand new website aims to help people choose a career path, get ideas on possible new jobs, or take a look at occupations at a certain qualification or salary level. "Among other information, you can find out about the number of jobs that will be available, the likelihood of training on the job, the qualifications you might need and even the likely salary for the type of work that interests you. "The website also highlights the key sectors within Hertfordshire, and signposts both young people and adults to the relevant advice and support organisations for further help with their career choices." Research company Experian Business Strategies collected the data on behalf of LSC Hertfordshire. Findings reveal job openings are projected to be 86,560 in Hertfordshire each year up to 2006, of which 8,661 will come from new jobs while 77,899 will arise through job turnover (retirement etc). Data also shows sales assistants will be the occupation with the highest turnover at 10,532. And some of the jobs with the best chance of training will be teaching professionals, managers and administrators, and legal professionals. 09:42 Wednesday 5th February 2003
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