Click on down to memory laneCurious residents can now use the internet to step back in time and find out about people, places and events that have helped shape the town. The Government-funded National Grid for Learning (NGfL) website is running an online local history trail which will include quizzes, investigations and a gallery. Online activities will show people how to get started in exploring local history. You can investigate the history of your area and return to the trail to share discoveries with others in an online gallery. Everyone who sends in a contribution will be entered into a prize draw to win a year's family membership of English Heritage. NGfL content officer Helen Bader said: "Every area has an interesting story to tell, and the local history trail will help bring that to life for people. "The trail will help people learn how to set about discovering the history of their community, using everything from locally-produced resources to national archives. Perhaps this event will inspire more people to put together websites detailing the history of the area." The trail can be found on 10:10 Friday 28th February 2003
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