Website war game brings light reliefA businessman has set up a successful internet game to lighten the mood during the Iraq crisis. Forces Reunited managing director Dominic Hayhoe, of Berwick Close, Marlow, set up the UN Weapons Inspector Game this month and already the game has had 20,000 visitors and 5,000 players are on the score board. The game is on the Forces Reunited website, which reunites ex-service personnel. The game a fast shoot-em up style game requires people to shoot open boxes the Iraqis are carrying to discover their contents. If they're chemical weapons, players score points, if they miss them the weapon grows in size. Mr Hayhoe said: "It's just a bit of fun about quite a serious situation, the impending war in Iraq. It's a bit of light-hearted relief from all the things going on at the moment. "We realise the viral nature of these games and how it helps us to get our brand out there so we came up with the idea for the game. We've had some pretty high scores posted on our high score board too." Mr Hayhoe spent three weeks developing the game. His website, started in 2001, has just chalked up 100,000 members. 11:03 Tuesday 18th March 2003
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