New website to replace boatsBy Mark LangleyHiring a row boat would probably be one of the more traditional ways to soak in the sights of the river Thames as it journeys through Richmond borough, but thanks to a new internet site it can all be done from the comforts of your own home. is a website which offers a unique pictorial view of the River Thames and its progress through Richmond and is the first such environmental website anywhere in the country. The site currently features three reaches of the Thames - Mortlake, Eel-Pie Island and Teddington Lock which have been photographed and edited to produce unique panoramas of these three tidal characters of the River. Envisaged by the former Mayor, Councillor Michael Jones, the site offers a view of the Thames as it winds 22 miles through the borough while with the flick of a finger it can highlight and give information on the buildings or features along the riverbank. John Inglis of Online Communities, who designed the site, said: "The purpose is to see and remember the built and natural environment of the river banks. "I have designed hundreds of websites and this is a very special one as it is the first such environment site in the country - It took me three years to develop the software. "It's like a filing cabinet of information only the picture is the index. If you click on any of the buildings seen on the site you will get an historical background on that building." The site hopes to expand its coverage and eventually incorporate all nine reaches, including central Richmond. Reaches have been photographed and edited to produce unique panoramas. 11:22 Friday 21st March 2003
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