Closure of interactive online forum attackedBy Ian LloydAn interactive residents' forum on Barnet Council's web site has been closed down, provoking claims the council is trying to censor its critics. From April 6, the forum, which enables residents to discuss issues like Barnet Football Club and special educational needs and often carries criticism of council policy will go offline. It will be replaced by a Contact Us section where residents can email questions, comments and complaints to the council and wait for a response. Labour councillors said scrapping the forum was yet more evidence of the Tory administration shutting out criticism. Councillor Alan Williams, Labour's outgoing group leader, said: "The council isn't consulting on important issues, the web site forum is going, decisions are sneaked out and even the area forums are likely to be scrapped in the next six months." Councillor Mike Freer, cabinet member for value and effectiveness, said the new internet service would be 'a more responsive, customer-focused service that residents can use to talk to the council'. 16:33 Wednesday 26th March 2003
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