<< Back to index Shocked by boyfriend's net pornRECENTLY I have found my boyfriend looking at porn on his computer. It really shocked and upset me.
He has apologised endless times to me but I'm not sure what to do about it. He has always said to me that he doesn't like things like that,but why was he looking at it?
I really love him and I know that he loves me but I just cant get the image of him at his computer looking at that. What should I do?
Agony Aunt says:
Every bloke likes looking a porn to a greater or lesser extent.
There's nothing wrong, or unusual in that. Also, the internet has made porn more accesible and interesting because it is viewed using new technology.
Your boyfriend may have just been curious. You didn't say how long he has had the internet but it may just be the thrill of something new.
Many couples like looking at porn together to boost their sex life.
Instead of being shocked you may want to ask him why he was looking at it.
You may find that you quite like it, but even so, your boyfriend looking at a porn image on the net is not something to worry about.
4:43pm Monday 22nd September 2003 Printer friendly format |