<< Back to index I had sex with my sister's bloke
I AM 17 and my sister is 21. She recently gave birth and her boy friend has been coming on to me.
We had sex but now I feel really bad. I know it can�t continue but don�t no how to sort the problem.
I see him all the time and he is nice but it is really difficult to know what to do.
Agony Aunt says
I�m glad you feel really bad because you should feel really bad.
Sleeping with your sister�s boyfriend just after she�s given birth to his child. Come on. What were you thinking about? Are you trying to get an appearance on Trisha?
Tell her boyfriend that it is ended. As there is a child involved the best thing is not to tell your sister.
She would quite likely split with her boyfriend, and have nothing more to do with you, if she found out.
It�s a big secret to keep but you must do it for her, and her child�s sake.
8:41am Sunday 12th October 2003 Printer friendly format
Jodie writes:
I can't believe you could do that to you sister just after she has given birth, don't you know her emotions and hormones are all over the place without learning of this, if you love your sister you shouldn't have done it, no matter how nice the boyfriend is you should have told someone else.
If you were my sister i would disown you.
2:15Tuesday 14th October
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