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I'm 16 and had sex with a man of 50 4:11pm Friday 21st May 2004 I HAD sex with an old man of age 50. I am 16 years he ejaculated semen to my vagina will I become pregnant
Agony Aunt says:
You might. Use contraception and stop going with dirty old men. He should be ashamed of himself and you need to stop being so gullible. Does he care? 4:11pm Friday 21st May 2004
MY boyfriend and I haven't spent a weekend together in a while. My life is going nowhere 4:10pm Friday 21st May 2004 I'M 23 , I have two small children a husband who is 17 years older than me and from Syria. Does he really like me? 3:52pm Friday 21st May 2004 I REALLY like this guy and he has told me he likes me too. But he his holding back I think this is because he is really good mates with my brother or is it because he ain't really interested? More ... |