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Date: Friday January 31

See also your weekly horoscope!

Aries (March 21st-April 20th)
0906 600 5001

Family is on your mind more than usual. You may even be thinking about going to visit some faces you have not had the chance to see much of. This is a great time for socialising and memorable times are sure to be had, don't forget your partner! Call my starline now for new and improved options to work and love. -- 0906 600 5001

Taurus (April 21st-May 21st)
0906 600 5002

There is a really cheeky air about you over the coming days, which is going to make it easy for you to attract the wrong crowd your way. Just remember that you must not accept anything but the best, not after the sacrifices you made last month my friend. New and compatible love matches link to last minute invites from a friend. Call me now to find out the perfect sign in love for you. -- 0906 600 5002

Gemini (May 22nd-June 21st)
0906 600 5003

You have been more than fair to a family member who has actually gone out of their way of late to make life difficult for you. Mars can help you do some side-stepping and it may even be to your advantage to back out of a commitment for this evening if you know it will cause arguments. You hold the reigns so choose your direction carefully. Call me now to find out why success is in the palm of your hands this month. -- 0906 600 5003

Cancer (June 22nd-July 23rd)
0906 600 5004

You may not understand the actions of a close one over the last few days, but you're not supposed to. It is vital that you carry on as usual or you will tip an already delicate balance. Capricorn's can help you to replenish any funds by a very alternative route. Call my starline now to find out which signs you need to avoid in business and pleasure. -- 0906 600 5004

Leo (July 24th-August 23rd)
0906 600 5005

Someone is trying to apologise to you but you don't seem to be interested in listening. Life is so much nicer when you have your friends around you so try to bury the hatchet from any misunderstandings that I am sure are now regretted by both sides, aren't they Leo? Call now for news in full. -- 0906 600 5005

Virgo (August 24th-September 23rd)
0906 600 5006

Someone appears to be taking up a great deal of your time and you are not able to complete what is on your own agenda. Try to be strong and don't allow them to manipulate you in this way. Say what you mean regarding finances this afternoon, before it's too late. Call my starline now for important news on work. -- 0906 600 5006

Libra (September 24th-October 23rd)
0906 600 5007

You must sort out the financial quandary that you have made for yourself. This is a day when the stars will give you all the support you are seeking. Let a loved one have the space they need for a personal pursuit. The more space you give them, the more time they are likely to want to spend with you. Call my starline now to find out about getting your own way this week. -- 0906 600 5007

Scorpio (October 24th-November 22nd)
0906 600 5008

You don't seem to understand why it is that a close one is acting in such a strange fashion, but give them just a little more time before you start making any outright accusations. Your love life is not all it could be, this may be true but it takes two to make a relationship work and you must start to meet them halfway. Call now for an update on work. -- 0906 600 5008

Sagittarius (November 23rd-December 21st)
0906 600 5009

You will have made plans for this evening but by the time tonight comes you will not really feel up for it. But you should go for it tonight as it might turn out better than expected. Think before you speak as your words might get back to the wrong people and unnecessarily affect their hearts. Call now for more predictions. -- 0906 600 5009

Capricorn (December 22nd-January 20th)
0906 600 5010

It is going to be difficult for you to be civil to those you do not feel any connection with. Try to be open to the new friends a loved one will be introducing you to. You have more in common than you think. Be the first to offer a hand of piece and they are sure to accept it. Call now for more news. -- 0906 600 5010

Aquarius (January 21st-February 19th)
0906 600 5011

Your time is not your own but you may have a problem convincing your close ones of this fact, who seem intent on getting you on their own. Money matters come to the fore and a game plan must be construed before Tuesday. Wear blue for seduction tonight. Call my starline now to find out how Saturn can offer you the structure to go right to the top both personally and professionally. -- 0906 600 5011

Pisces (February 20th-March 20th)
0906 600 5012

You should be able to find out some very interesting facts about a face you have been fascinated by. Watch what you say about people around you as things may be taken out of context today. It could well be a case in fact of the less you say the better. Gemini's part you and your cash so beware. Call now to find out about new job prospects.

Calls cost 60p per minute at all times.

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