Get to know the inner selfDO you know who you are? Do you know what makes you tick? Do you know where you are going? Are you comfortable with you? It's surprising how many people out there would have to answer no to some if not all of those questions. What would you have to do to be in a position to answer yes to them all? Well, you might have to assess situations, give some time to thinking these questions through, not do another task and perhaps revisit the dreams that have been buried. For many, investing time in themselves feels wrong. Many of us were brought up to believe that thinking about and paying attention to ourselves is selfish. As women, we are the carers and we put the needs of our children, our partners, our parents, our work, etcetera, before ourselves. But does that work in the long run? I believe that putting ourselves first is actually very sensible and productive. By doing this we get to identify our needs and once we are aware what those are we can make sure we get them met. Once met, we no longer feel that we don't matter and as a result have more time and energy to give to others. Think back to how you handle your children, your boss or frustrating situations when you are tired and irritable. Now how do you handle them when you are relaxed and happy? When you know what you want, you appear empowered, in control and much more positive and people are attracted to that. When you know who you are and where you are going, you are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in and to let go of the things or people in life who drain you. Who or what drains you, saps your energy and leaves you feeling exhausted? As a way of starting this process, I want you to do one thing for yourself each day for the next seven days. What is it you want to do or to buy? Go out and do it and see how you feel. It doesn't have to be big things just as long as you enjoy it. Let me know about it. The first five people who do this and share it with me will each receive two 30-minute life coaching sessions free, so get planning. Being selfish in this way allows you to nourish your talents and dreams, to develop the confidence to say no to the things you do not want to do and to live life the way you want to the way that fulfils you. If you have missed past columns or if you want further information on goal setting or the wheel of life or would like to know more about the services that WaringWell offers, please contact me on [email protected]. Our retirement course has had to be moved back a month and will now be running in late April there are still some places available. For those who have contacted me, I shall be sending out information soon and for those who want to know more either email me or visit and look at the news section. To make comments, share ideas or experiences again email or write to me at Heather Waring/Features, Guardian House, 480-500 Lark shall Road, Hingham's Park, London E4 9GD. I love getting your feedback. Let me know what issues you want aired. Have a great week. 11:49 Thursday 20th March 2003