<< Back to index Ongar moves closer to broadband connectionBy David Jackman Campaigners aiming to bring Ongar in to the 21st century need just 60 more local businesses or residents to register their interest to get broadband brought to the town.
MP Eric Pickles said: "BT has this week announced that the Ongar exchange will be converted to provide broadband services if just 60 more people or businesses served by that exchange register their interest.
"We heard this week that all of the Brentwood exchanges will have broadband by November and I now want to see the Ongar exchange upgraded so this part of the constituency can also benefit with access to 21st century Information and communication technology.
Mr Pickles added: "We're already well down the road with several hundred registrations of interest from the Ongar area and I'm confident we can soon get the extra 60 registrations we need to trigger the investment by BT at the Ongar exchange.
"Ongar businesses and residents interested in registering for broadband services can do so at www.bt.com and then go to the broadband page."
11:21am Monday 18th August 2003 Printer friendly formatRelated Links http://www.bt.com
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